Sam Rayburn, polític nord-americà
Sam Rayburn, polític nord-americà

Transamericana with Rickey Gates running 3700 miles across America | Salomon TV (Maig 2024)

Transamericana with Rickey Gates running 3700 miles across America | Salomon TV (Maig 2024)

Sam Rayburn, en ple Samuel Taliaferro Rayburn, (nascut el 6 de gener de 1882, comtat de Roane, Tenn. EUA, va morir el 16 de novembre de 1961 a Bonham, Texas), líder polític nord-americà, que va exercir de locutor de la casa dels Estats Units de. Representants durant gairebé 17 anys. Va ser elegit per primera vegada a la Cambra el 1912 i hi va exercir de forma contínua durant 48 anys 8 mesos, que en el moment de la seva mort era una tinència rècord. Va ser elegit al Congrés 25 vegades consecutives. L’edifici d’oficines Rayburn, un edifici d’oficines del Congrés a Capitol Hill, va ser anomenat a la seva memòria.


Un estudi de la història: fet o ficció?

El diamant de l’Esperança d’avui és més petit que el dels segles passats.

La vida

La família de Rayburn, d’origen predominantment escocès, es va traslladar de Tennessee a Texas el 1887, i allà Rayburn va créixer en una granja de 40 hectàrees. Va treballar per East Texas Normal College (ara Texas A&M University — Commerce), va ensenyar escola i es va convertir en advocat. Va servir a la Cambra dels Representants de Texas durant sis anys (1907-13) i el 1911 va ser elegit portaveu. L’any següent va ser elegit al Congrés dels Estats Units, on va romandre gairebé mig segle.

Energètic, estudiós, ambiciós i afable, Rayburn es va convertir ràpidament en influències del govern i de la política del partit. Com a president (1931–37) del poderós Comitè de la Cambra sobre el comerç interestatal i el comerç exterior, fou un arquitecte important del New Deal. Com a membre de la Cambra de Representants, va ser coautor de sis lleis importants: la Llei de transport ferroviari d’emergència, la Llei “Veritat en valors”, la Llei de borses, la Llei federal de comunicacions, la Llei d’electrificació rural i una altra. de les lleis més amargament disputades de totes les lleis del New Deal, la Public Utility Holding Company Act.

Rayburn was elected Democratic leader of the House of Representatives in 1937 and became speaker of the House on Sept. 16, 1940. He held the latter office for almost 17 years, exceeding by a wide margin the previous record set by Kentucky statesman Henry Clay in the first quarter of the 19th century. Noted for his tart common sense, his honesty, and his unflagging patriotism, Rayburn was a trusted adviser to Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and John F. Kennedy. A dedicated party man who described himself as a Democrat “without prefix, without suffix, and without apology,” Rayburn was often called “Mr. Democrat.” He was permanent chairman of the Democratic National Convention in 1948, 1952, and 1956. After he won the battle in 1961 to enlarge the House Committee on Rules—the hardest internal House struggle in 50 years—Rayburn’s health failed quickly. Before Congress adjourned that year, he went home to Bonham, Texas, where he died.


At the time of his death, Rayburn was regarded as an extraordinarily able legislator who had gone on to become the most effective speaker of the House since Joe Cannon was divested of his power in 1910. That assessment of Rayburn did not change in the decades following his death. His pivotal role in the House as a broker between the Northern and Southern wings of the Democratic Party, however, was later better understood and appreciated. During Rayburn’s tenure, power in the House was lodged in the hands of committee chairs who gained their positions through seniority. Because the American South still was overwhelmingly Democratic and the Republican Party was not competitive there, Southern Democrats in the House—with their seniority and their control over chairs of committees—tended to have great power. Northern Democrats tended to be more liberal than their Southern counterparts, but their lack of seniority and committee chairs diminished their influence in the House. Rayburn brokered the interests of both wings of the Democratic Party.

Although the office of speaker at that time lacked great formal powers, Rayburn used the limited influence of the office to maximum advantage. He also relied heavily on his personal prestige, his skill at persuasion, and personal friendships built up over decades in the House to bridge the regional differences within the Democratic Party and to forge a working majority in the House. His leadership style usually resulted in congenial relations not only between the Northern and Southern wings of the Democratic Party but also between Rayburn and the Republican leadership of the House—a considerable accomplishment, especially when viewed in the light of the divisive House of Representatives in the early 21st century.