Spencer Tracy Actor americà
Spencer Tracy Actor americà

Spencer Tracy Had Suffered for a Secret for 25 Years-10 Cagey Facts About Spencer Tracy (Maig 2024)

Spencer Tracy Had Suffered for a Secret for 25 Years-10 Cagey Facts About Spencer Tracy (Maig 2024)

Spencer Tracy, íntegrament Spencer Bonaventure Tracy, (nascut el 5 d'abril de 1900, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Estats Units, va morir el 10 de juny de 1967 a Beverly Hills, Califòrnia), una estrella de cinema nord-americana desgastada que va ser una de les principals protagonistes masculines de Hollywood i la primera. actor per rebre dos premis acadèmics consecutius al millor actor.


Escola de cinema: fet o ficció?

En el moviment, la presa de claus s'encarrega de la il·luminació.

De jove, Tracy es va avorrir del treball escolar i es va incorporar a la Marina dels Estats Units als 17 anys. Malgrat la seva afició pels acadèmics, finalment es va convertir en un estudiant premedat del Wisconsin's Ripon College. Mentre estava allà, va fer les audicions i va guanyar un paper en el joc d’inici i va descobrir que actuava més per al seu gust que la medicina. El 1922 va anar a la ciutat de Nova York, on ell i el seu amic Pat O'Brien es van inscriure a l'Acadèmia d'Arts Dramàtiques d'Amèrica. Aquest mateix any, tots dos homes van fer el seu debut conjunt a Broadway, interpretant papers com a robots al KUR de Karel Čapek Durant els propers vuit anys, Tracy va rebotar entre les peces destacades en les obres de curt terme de Broadway i els papers líders en les empreses de valors regionals, aconseguint finalment l’estelada quan va ser llançat com Killer Mears com a intern pres de la mort en el hit de 30 de Broadway a The Last Mile. Posteriorment va aparèixer en dos temes breus de Vitaphone,però estava disgustat amb ell mateix i pessimista respecte a les seves possibilitats d’estardar la pantalla.

Nevertheless, director John Ford hired Tracy to star in the 1930 feature film Up the River, which resulted in a five-year stay at Fox Studios in Hollywood. Although few of his Fox films were memorable—excepting perhaps Me and My Gal (1932), 20,000 Years in Sing Sing (1932), and The Power and the Glory (1933)—his tenure at the studio enabled him to develop his uncanny ability to act without ever appearing to be acting. His friend Humphrey Bogart once attempted to describe the elusive Tracy technique: “[You] don’t see the mechanism working, the wheels turning. He covers up. He never overacts or is hammy. He makes you believe what he is playing.” For his part, Tracy always denied that he had come up with any sort of magic formula. Whenever he was asked the secret of great acting, he usually snapped, “Learn your lines!”

In 1935 he was signed by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, where he would do some of his best work, beginning with his harrowing performance as a lynch-mob survivor in Fritz Lang’s Fury (1936). He received his first of nine Oscar nominations for San Francisco (1936) and became the first actor to win two consecutive Academy Awards, for his performance as the Portuguese fisherman Manuel in Captains Courageous (1937) and for his role as the priest who founded the eponymous facility in Boys Town (1938). In the course of his two decades at MGM he settled gracefully into character leads, conveying everything from paternal bemusement in Father of the Bride (1950) to grim determination in Bad Day at Black Rock (1955). In later years his health was eroded by respiratory ailments and a lifelong struggle with alcoholism, but Tracy worked into the early 1960s, delivering exceptionally powerful performances in producer-director Stanley Kramer’s Inherit the Wind (1960) and Judgment at Nuremberg (1961).

Married since 1923 to former actress Louise Treadwell, Tracy lived apart from his wife throughout most of their marriage, though as a strict Roman Catholic he refused to consider divorce. From 1942 onward, he maintained a warm, intimate relationship with actress Katharine Hepburn. Tracy and Hepburn were also memorably teamed in nine films, including Woman of the Year (1942), Adam’s Rib (1949), Pat and Mike (1952), Desk Set (1957), and Kramer’s Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner (1967), which was completed three weeks before Tracy’s death.